Thomasine Dye

Mute Surrender


I’ve done what was asked

Persevered till the last

I have done all this and more

Accomplished each and every chore


Yet more is demanded

I can act only as commanded

I bury any will of my own

Down deep in the dark below


Perhaps one day I shall satisfy

And they may be gratified

They will love me as I them

No longer will I be condemned


Maybe one day I will have a voice

With a loud and mighty noise

I’ll proclaim that I am no one\'s possession

I will not tolerate further violations and oppression


Ah, and perhaps Arthur shall wake in Avalon?

Pigs will cease to prattle on?

Beautiful dreams; sweet and tender

But I can offer only a mute surrender


So we are at an impasse

And in such a state; nothing may last

Unable to open my mouth

I shall live and die in my house