a thousand wishes

My execution

My execution is nothing like I thought it would be 

I\'m still here kind of, staring at my body, from outside of it 

I\'m close to the ceiling fan and its blowing me away 

Should I return to my body? And live another day? 

Or is this the end and I need to hold on to it and not let it slip away 


My execution is peaceful and I feel finally free 

I\'m glad it wasn\'t by own hand  

This is better, more like a personal victory 

It wasn\'t my choice but doesn\'t mean it was never an option 


My brother walks in, he\'s only 5 

He looks at my cold lifeless body with surprise 

My heart breaks but I can\'t directly feel it  

But the sound of my heart breaking  

Is like the sound of a large bell 


The bell summons me into my body 

Before he can even shed a tear  

My execution didn\'t last long  

But I\'m glad it\'s finally over 

I guess in the end, I could never leave my little brother...