Charles Edward York

Angry America


The knee of the police is on black America
For hundreds of years and more
Whips and chains scar the backs
Having to bear the burden
The sins of the white man
In silence for far too long.

Fire of the African American hurt and anger
Set ablaze by prejudice and pain
Burns into the white conscience
Frozen cold by delusion and denial 
Walls intended to protect power
Get broken by hands raised in air.

The heavy gravity of injustice and inequality
Weighted down through a knee
Crushes the neck trying to breathe 
How many people must die
For white racism and insecurity
Until justice no longer needs a color?

It’s time for the noble and oppressed to rise
From the asphalt and ashes
And light the torch of liberty and justice 
If one is denied then all are
Time to pronounce freedom at last
And break the hate with love.

Copyright © 2020 Charles Edward York
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