
I Sabotage Me

Her heart has been heavy

 for quite some time

Mistakes she has made

 have left her primed


For crime and chaos

 no money does she steal

But security instead

 which makes her feel


No happiness doth

 this woman deserve

Instead looks forward

 to impending hurt.


To sabotage self

 is the path she sees

For her heart and head

 do seldom agree.


These choices she makes

 mere parts of a plan

To push away good

 to do all that she can


To prove to herself

 she\'s worthless as said

Somehow that aligns

 her heart with her head.


The day comes when

 she\'s sick of pity

The alarming thoughts

 the negativity.


So she grabs her pen

 and begins to write

Her feelings on paper

 and ponders her plight.


As she completes

 the last verse of rhyme

Her heart feels better

 thanks to words and time.