sirlocowicked AKA Bubba

It takes very little to change a life

It\'s takes nothing to extend a hand

Being shaking it or lifting from the sand

They May be down on there luck

Lost a job, a wife a Boss who didn\'t give a fuck

It takes one hello to smash 1000 looks

They had a job a manager or a Cook

Their not a book don\'t judge the cover

From a little girl, teenager or a mother

Looks can be deceiving in every way

Being Nice, kind could change their Day

Change their day you haven\'t a clue

If they told you,if you only knew

You\'ll be surprised by what words can do

Not only words that make them blue 🔵

Instead of negative thoughts or nasty comments

Give them a hand or or buy them some garments

A New pair of shoes 👟 or a pair of jeans 👖

Some don\'t want others need by all means

Their human beings just like you and I

They hear names and labels that make them cry

So if you encounter a homeless,jobless, family less,toothless, shoeless person along the way

Think before them words come out, a positive thought goes a Long Way


Johnny p Chavez
