

If we can’t eat with forks

And can’t cut with knives

Then how can we expect

to be good society wives?


We can’t even speak

with a well-modulated voice

neither are we taught

elegance, charm or poise


the etiquette we are taught

is really out of date

we really won’t advance

if we go at this rate


decoration of the home

should be done with grace

much money is spent

for an inviting place



make-up, we think,

is real beauty care

and so we use creams

to make us all fair


at beauty-parlors we then

spend many of the hours

in order to be fresh

and glowing like the flowers


schools do not teach us

to sew or to cut

to break and then

properly eat a nut


we are not taught

all the fine arts

or how to love others

from our very hearts


we are not taught

what we should know

so how can we then

our real culture show?



The subjects which we learn

Can never, never be

Put into practice

By you or by me


Pray tell me then

How to do with flair

Anything at all

Kept in our care


For students never are

Taught all those things

which to, all of them

a sense of goodwill brings


so you see now

what our children should know

in order to be

polished to the core


the schools should start

teaching all they can

to make out of us

a cultured woman or man.