Jack Cohen

The Door The Door

The Door The Door
cracked just so slight,
On this night of nights
of fear and frights,


For so long now
they told us all,
But none believed
that in late fall,


The beats would prowl
on hallowed ground,
In search of those
not homeward bound,


They\'d check the doors
windows and locks,
They\'d sit and stare
and then they\'d knock,


To see who took them
for late guests,
Before being taken
to where none could guess,


I followed the rules
for years and years,
Checked doors and locks
when they drew near,


But on this night
I know not how,
The locks weren\'t checked
and when the beasts prowled,


The searched and found
their latest score,
The Door the Door
to my house and home,


Opened slightly more.....