
The Sky Was On Fire

The sky was on fire in a way that made the sky so bright it made me see everything. It was so bright that it was like the sun was always up, I didn’t need sleep and I was more awake than ever. The sky was on fire but I liked it because it made my skin glisten and for the first time in a long time I felt beautiful. Not only did I feel beautiful but I felt invincible. The sky was on fire and I was still alive and that makes me invincible. 


The sky was on fire but the sky started to fall. Ashes fell like rain and painted everything in sight black. It became so dark and the sky was no longer on fire. So dark that all I wanted to do was sleep, I\'m just so tired. The ashes fell on my skin and looking in the mirror pained me. I am buried under the ashes and I can no longer get up. The product of the thing that once made me feel full of life now makes me feel as if I cannot go on. The sky was on fire and now it’s not.