a thousand wishes

I know

I know you´re scared

when I look at you I can see your fears

I know you´re tasting tears right now


I know you´re tired

Wrecking balls tend to wreck your life

but I guess you didn´t know


I know you´re anxious 

your mind´s going in circles

you´re pacing just to find out that there´s no erasing


I know It hurts you

trying to figure out what to do

but you´re living in a world

where money means more than whats true


It hurts me that you´re hurting 

I worry when you worry

I´m tired when you´re tired

and your fears go hand to hand with mine


but I believe that there´s no lightning

unless we make it

and I believe that there´s a chance

that we´ll survive if we take it 


There´s beauty in the risks

that we take

there´s a lesson in every mistake

that we make


don´t neglect this 

don\'t reject the voice inside your head

that says instead of burning to trust yourself instead


I know you´re  angry

at the world

and the world´s angry too

just remember that there´s

always something we can do 

if we never falter, how will we ever

know which dreams to pursue 


Well we fell, we were thrown 

and threw

but after the fall

that\'s when I knew

We had to fall before we flew