
This tangled life

I sing the wildness of weeds and their flowers,

I sing, and my face breaks into smiles,

I sing the dandelions, the toadflax and the buddleia.

I revel in their colourful, scented exuberance;

As they rise up from the paved places,

As they erupt out of brick walls,

As they lean down from the roofs above me.

I sing of the courage, of the resilience of weeds.


I sing the power of the insects that plague us,

I sing, my face screwed up in protest,

I sing the midges, the wasps and the tsetse flies.

I marvel at their otherness from me;

How their bodies lift up on transparent wings,

How they undergo metamorphoses,

How they collectively survive the onslaught of poisons.

I sing of the courage, of the resilience of insects.


I sing our inclusion

In the retreats and advances,

In the intricate dances

Of life’s evolution.