
Praise Professions

Tune: Camberwell

(one tune to \'At the name of Jesus\')


Psalm 145 v.3-4

Great is the Lord, and He

To be praised greatly

His greatness cannot be

Full searched out, see

One generation shall

Another one tell

Of His works, shall them praise

To Him glory raise


Psalm 145 v.18-19

The Lord, He is nigh all

That do on Him call

In truth, He will them hear

Will to them draw near

He will desire fulfil

They who seek His will

Who do fear, are in awe

Of Him, He saves sure


Psalm 146 v.5-6

Happy they whose God is

The Lord, they find this

That He is their help, He

Great Creator be

Of heaven, earth, sea, sky

His truth dies ne\'er die

He keeps it ever

Unfaithful never


Psalm 147 v.1-2

Praise the Lord, for it be

Good to praise Him free

For it is pleasant, sweet

Worship at His feet

And to praise is comely

Fitting, beautifully

He helps poor and needy

Thus favoured are we


Psalm 147 v.5-6

Great our Lord, great power

He has every hour

His understanding, see

It infinite be

Humans cannot all things

Know, but praise Him brings

He lifts up the humble

Proud know their downfall