
World of Magic!



It is a world of magic, 

Not of logic, 

With all magical things 

And all magical - beings! 


With elves and fairies, 

Gnomes and pixies, 

With ogres and monsters, 

Giants and dragons! 


A secret door in every town of the world, 

Will lead you to the magical world. 

If you believe in magic more,

You will surely see the door! 


There are water - mermaids, different fairies 

Like Flower fairies and Jewel fairies, 

Be it Rainbow fairies or Musical fairies, 

Weekdays, Months or Season fairies! 


Harmless, rude beasts like griffins, 

With sharp and spiky hair like urchins, 

Ostrich\'s body, lion\'s head,

Arms and legs like a human lad! 


Flying horses, unicorns that race, 

Also take you to a different place; 

Use a broom or stick, 

And you will reach the desired place very quick! 


When you visit this magical world, 

You will wonder whether it\'s reel or real world, 

To you it will seem 

That you are in a dream!


You will not know how the time flew by 

Because you will be flying high in the sky, 

And when you open your eyes sleepily, 

You will be at your home surprisingly! 


All because it is a world of magic, 

Not of logic, 

With all magical things 

And all magical-beings!