Junior Mboweni


Said you want to be my friend and nothing else

My friend, seen my pain, a friend, you prescribed it helps

A friend not a fiend I held at that!

What\'s a friend who calls in need? A friend perhaps

 But where are friends when I\'m in need? What are friends in deed

How you come when I\'ve endured, you\'re made from manure

When I finally check the score we ain\'t friends no more

Be my friend? You want to be the first at my end...

To be my friend, it should never depend

How many friends are only friends, what\'s something else?

Was more or less to make me rage, is the hope you held

Now that I think of it, it\'s stuff... I\'m glad we\'ve settled

I would\'ve thought you were down but you seemed a bit desperate

Mean why you wanna be around but your mug just says it

I won\'t wine, I\'ve got spirit 

I got friends, aplenty!

It all ends, I can\'t please

So what that means, you want to be friends

Only to be enemies?