Job Welime

Missing you.

I had to say goodbye even though, I wanted to hold on,
Truth be told, eachtime my life always flashes before my weary eyes, I always visit each dying blink of all the places I\'ve felt most alive and all of them are with you,
Truth be told, I\'ve never stopped loving you, I just got better at missing you,
I curve words everyday with the hope that,someday you\'ll find these words shaped like poems and remember how much you were loved,
I miss you when you\'re not around but it\'s more than just you,
I miss the salt of your ocean,the steady cool of your breeze shore,
I miss the simple elegance that always follows you,that grace isn\'t so natural to me,but it fits so well,
Your absence turns me into poetry, when in the real sense am just supposed to be a word,
A thousand times a day,I vow to act like, I\'ve already met a million like you before,but my body aches to show you that I\'ve never met anyone like you,not even close,
Today I just wish,I could have pulled you in by your waist for a hug,,,