
I Had To Kill Again

I killed my wife\'s only brother but she doesn\'t know that I\'m the one who did it.
A blackmailer was about to ruin my life and that was something I couldn\'t permit.
That man had proof that I took her brother\'s life.
If he had exposed me, I would have lost my wife.
The blackmailer demanded one million dollars to give me the evidence.
I couldn\'t come up with that kind of money and things became intense.
I love my wife more than life itself but everything was about to come undone.
I took the evidence and burned it after I shot the blackmailer with a stolen gun.
When I went to my deceased brother-in-law\'s funeral, I saw my wife, that\'s how I met her.
Her brother\'s death caused her great emotional problems but I was able to make her feel better.
I killed her brother because he was smarter than me and he loved to brag about it.
He rubbed it in my face and I killed him because he kept bragging and wouldn\'t quit.
The guilt has consumed me ever since I killed her brother in 2013 during the Summer.
But at least she doesn\'t know about my guilt, I\'ve been able to keep the truth from her.
But I had to kill again, I\'ve committed murder twice.
I\'m in trouble with God and one day I\'ll pay the price.
I will lose my wife if the police find proof of my horrible crimes and I go to jail.
One day I\'ll lose my wife for eternity when she goes to Heaven and I go to Hell.