
Cowboy Scars

Cowboy Scars


He rode through the back plains

Riding hard and fast making great gains

The wind blowing across his face

His stud keeping up the exhilarating pace

Time to think out here under the stars

About cowboy life and cowboy scars


And they rode on as sunset came near

A man and his horse rounding up the steer

Working together one in mind and thought

And a little wiser from the lessons taught

Stories told between friends at local bars

About cowboy life and cowboy scars


Many trail rides to bond and become friends

Dreading the day when the trail ends

Both of them had seen their passion broken

Both had fought fights of pain unspoken

But tough, they bottled it up like in jars

The cowboy life and their cowboy scars


And as he hung his hat on a limb nearby

He laid down underneath an open sky

Taking stock of all that he had to be thankful for

Love, life, toil, pain, and so much more

Under the big sky, free, from circumstantial bars

That imprison the cowboy life and its cowboy scars