
Throne Trinity

Tune: Nicaea

(\'Holy, holy, holy\')

Revelation 4 v.8-11


Four creatures round God\'s throne, worshipping Him alone

They joining their songs there in harmonious tone

They each having six wings, flying free and flowing

To the Lord God Almighty they do sing


They full of eyes, symbolising their all-seeing

Endless praise and worship to the Lord they e\'er bring

Singing, Holy, holy, holy, God three in one

He be the Father, Spirit, and the Son


He the ever-living, uncreated Being

He was, and in, and is to come, Lord o\'er each thing

Past, present, and future, all in Him do combine

Ruling by His power, perfection fine


Elders round the throne, they twenty four in number

Fall down before God on His throne to worship stir

Cast down their crowns before Him Him who lives for ever

Unceasing, unbroken, none can sever


They say and sing, Worthy, O Lord, you to receive

Glory and honour and power, we true believe

For you have created all things, and they be for your

Pleasure, past, present, future evermore