
What Color is God?

A little girl once asked her mother...” Mommy, what color is God?”

The mother was startled even though it was a question that was not odd.

The little girl said...” The grass is green and the sky is blue.”

Everything in the whole world has a color is not that true?

So mother please tell me because I would like to know.

Is God black, white, red, yellow, or maybe even gold?

Is God the color of the blue jay that sits on our garden wall?

Or is God the color of the leaves during the late fall?

Is God the color of the fish in the ocean or the seven seas?

Tell me mom is God the same color as me?

Is God the color of the stars or the bright sun?

Maybe God is several colors and not just one?

Is God the pretty color pink or maybe emerald-green?

Or could God be a color that no one has ever seen?

The mother still looking shocked and trying hard to think of something to say.

As the little girl said...” Since God made us so many colors, I guess color doesn’t matter anyway.