Kurt Philip Behm

Once Was A Time (+2)

The time for words near over

a curse upon the land

The devil plays his organ loud

in chords of dark command


The age of understanding

lay withered on the vine

What man had once embraced of man

new curses now opine


The gales of change blow deadly

the sun no longer sets

But sinks below our darkest fear

where hate forever nests


For those who can remember

as Arthur knelt to pray…

“Once was a time when Kings were boys

—and winds of war at bay”


(The New Room: June, 2022)



New Patriots


Anarchy upon us

in less than ten years…

Nothing can stop it

neither hoping nor tears


The Founding Father’s

warning to ring…

“Revolution calling”

Jeffersonian brings


The mop or the handle

our floor will be cleaned

The face of new patriots

living unseen


Blood will be sacrificed

discord to reign

But out of its torrent

—freedom reclaimed


(Independence Hall: June, 2022)



Bleeding The Moment


Hearing it again

for the thousandth rhyme,

still within the present

More inherent, more alive,

each reading

more resurgent


Hearing it again

the words still new,

reborn as they’re recited

Bleeding the moment

away from time

—no longer unrequited


(Dreamsleep: June, 2022)