The stage of life has come for sure
When there is less to live than more
And knowing this I have no fear
But now reflect on all that’s dear
My family grown, just him and me
And this is how it’s meant to be
It’s time to make the plans as must
Deliver us to that earthly dust
I pause to think of what is best
And contemplate that final rest
No stuffy, wooden box for me
I think that I should like a tree
Reduce me to ash, and comingle well
With fertile soil where I may dwell
Dig the hole and place me there
And whisper please, a gentle prayer
Then place the sapling tree just so
That together we might grow
Into a tree of rest and shade
For those who wander in the glade
Around me I shall hope to find
Souls with whom I shared like mind
Who understood the beauty of
The branch where perched the turtle dove
They knew that far beneath the earth
A microcosm of life does birth
Another world far from our eyes
Where the green and beautiful forest lies
So when this life of mine is done
The trees and I shall be as one
Then I shall rest contentedly
In the Memory Forest of eternity