
The humans are coming!

The animals should be our professors. They are indeed smart, if not smarter;  just ask the baboon, they even taught us to hold our hands In prayer in the daytime, but our stupid behinds do it at night, but unlike them we prayed in vain and understood the whole process not..  We also blow smoke in our pets faces, then laugh at their disgust, while we simultaneously, cough our damn lungs out. We push our dogs out the way so we can take a crap, when he’s trying to get a drink, and get angry, cause he’s angry, but then we sit in fright, about something the news man said about no rainfall, and the coming thirst, due to some sort of drought. The whole animal kingdom probably watch humans board the space shuttle,  attempting to reach space from the ground and tree tops… stupid humans, the earth is already there, but these dummies know it not.