sirlocowicked AKA Bubba

Thanksgiving 🦃

Turkey gravy mashed potatoes galore,

Polish off the first plate going back for more.

Surrounded by family and friends laughter and joy,

Next month is Christmas 🎄 will I get a toy 🪀.

Giving thanks to the Lord is the priority,

Sitting your seat at the table according to seniority,

Playing football outside with your cousins,

Family gatherings by the dozens.

Television 📺 on with the games,

So many people to remember names.

You give love and hugs to unfamiliar faces,

Just as bubba walks in with a couple of cases.

Soon the atmosphere shifts a gear,

Blame it on my roots and not the beer 🍻.

As the evening draws to a near,

If you\'re drinking please don\'t try to steer.

The day went from a happy house not so rommy,

To a sad and somber and very gloomy.

Rather you celebrate alone with family or with close friends,

Remember the youngsters watching they\'ll continue the trend.


Johnny p Chavez
