

I\'m waiting for my life to pass by me.
To reach moments far from now, filled with memories of love and joy.
To live just those moments over and over, as I wait for these dry moments to swim by.

I\'m waiting for the world to save me.
For divine intervention to reach down into my heart and pull out the weight.
To let myself see how bad it gets, how bad I let it get, how bad I can make it get, until the world saves me.

I\'m waiting for the seconds to pass by.
Waiting for the minutes to tick into hours, waiting for the hours to blend into days so I can be free.
Free from the wait.

I\'m waiting for the bus to get me to my stop, to get me to my destination.
Just to reach the event, but the fun to be extracted out of my veins because I\'m waiting.
Waiting for it to be over.

I\'m waiting for the clock to strike 5, so I can be released.
Escape to home, where I can reside, just to wait for the same clock to strike 12.
Leading me to wait through my sleepless nights for 7.

I\'m waiting to feel better.
Waiting to no longer feel like the moments that my life are made up of are more than meaningless.
Waiting to no longer feel empty.

I\'m waiting for life to get easier.
Waiting to be reincarnated into a life with less struggles, but more passion.
Waiting to be a different person, because the present is no longer a gift.

I\'m waiting for everyone else.
For everyone to realize this is not how we\'re meant to be living.
That life should be more than waiting from one event to another, one bill to another, one issue to another.

I\'m waiting for time.
Waiting for time to let me slip through it\'s grasp so I can fall into it\'s freedom.
To be free from the bounds of time. To be free from me.

For once time stops,
I will wait endlessly in the peaceful silence that remains still.
Waiting in the end for time to remember me again.