


Pain shouldn\'t be this sweet,c

utting myself shouldn\'t feel this good,

looking at my blood flowing gives me satisfaction,

pain is bitter-sweet.


I like it when my heart is broken,

it doesn\'t matter how and who breaks it,

I feel pleasure when people leave me,

the satisfaction I get when I feel pain is phenomenal

shouldn\'t pain be dangerous.


Everytime I look at myself in the mirror,

I see a broken girl without any hopes of the future

a soul which is so hurt

I wish I didn\'t have to go through that,

I wish I had a normal childhood

I enjoy pain so much, shouldn\'t pain be dangerous.


This Pain is killing me,

I keep pushing everyone away

I\'ve had enough of the pain I feel inside

I felt the pain,the sadness 

I am struggling,my copping Is different from everybody else\'s 

it always hit me harder 

I can\'t help but break down

I am on trauma processing

I know I will survive this

I don\'t know how but I surely will