

loneliness bites the soul, it\'s tough on the soul,
love kills,
I want to love and be loved,is that too much to ask??
why do we choose the love that tears us off
I owe it to myself to learn how to love
I wanted to feed my desires,desires that was so intense it made me powerless and the desires that turned into nightmares
all I wanted was to forget the pain,leave all this behind and have a normal love life
like fire the desires burns my soul I know we are not meant to be together
you are like a drug and I\'m addicted,we are both addicts
maybe happiness is just a lie
life is just an illusion,I can\'t seem to escape from my deepest desires
you are like a mirror, in order for me to see myself I have to look through you
no one can save me from myself
just like  a broken glass,my soul,my heart is shuttered into a million pieces
my soul is greaving
we were toxic but in a good way,we were obsessed with each other\'s body 
the more I run away from you,the more I\'m drowned that I can\'t even save myself.....