
My defeat

You came to me that afternoon,
and you looked so sweet.
But who was I to know, that it would end in sheer defeat.
My love for you blossoming,
with yours in full retreat.
How could I have failed like this?
A man so pure and sweet.

You were the fool who took me in,
mislead by my charming critique.
Though all I was, was, a man drowning in his own deceit.
Your perfect elegant charm,
Your perfect physique.
your knowledge of the bible of words cut me-
With a double edged dagger of envy and sheer admiration.
We both waded in way to deep.

I didn’t have to lie to you,
I didn’t have to cheat.
The failure was all mine, which I’ll always have to keep.
Its been a while now, I’m getting better at sleep.
The memory of you though, is still rooted deep.
Since our last day- trying to to shed that stain of defeat.

I hope one day, that you can reap
my lesson of defeat,
and find peace in this world of deceit.