Kurt Philip Behm

Tomorrow In The Wind (+1)

Hidden deep within the trees

a whispering tomorrow

Buried in their shadows

voices fall and take new breath


The midnight wind blows silent

carrying hope into the future

Words caught up and venture forth

to seed unspoken times


New spaces wait, the inkwells full

as prophets guard the entry

The mistral gales of seasons past

new zephyrs push away


Stanzas form, the future saved

as yesterday approaches

Saplings rising, breezes felt

—new forest closing in


(Dreamsleep: June, 2022)



Present Of Mind


I didn’t forget…

I don’t want to remember

What’s left on the table

where time had command


I didn’t forget…

I don’t want to engender

The past from the future

—the moment at hand


(Dreamsleep: June, 2022)