
The daily star announces Summer Solstice 2022

Tuesday, June twenty first
at 5:13 Ante Meridian

Eastern standard time

will find Earth\'s North Pole tilted
closest toward sun. This demarcates

most daylight hours of the year for
people living the northern hemisphere.
Just shy of high noon sun (lil more than
twelve hours from drafting these lines)
nearest star in solar system reaches
highest point in the sky.


Hence hasty intent to beat buzzer sound
dashing off riding figurative one seahorse
open sleigh madly awk cross cyber sea,
aye rudder sally forth (slogging thru
virtual flotsam and jetsam) with poetic

obeisance paid to average size ball of
Earth, wind and fire, my out of this
world quasi stellar benediction, since
Earthlings traveled thru space/time
continuum circa complimenting

summer solstice at Stonehenge

when the sky is clear, the sun rises

behind the Heel stone, the ancient entrance

to the circle, and rays of sunlight channelled

into the centre of the monument.


Perchance bajillion years ago, when predecessors
of present day primates (coon sitter terribly
less a bomb bin hubble), versus twenty first
century Homo sapiens predilection for total
mortal kombat graphically spiraling downward

zeroing (kamikaze like), analogy drawn,
viz subjective mathematical roulette curves,
albeit hypotrochoids and epitrochoids staining
countless grains of sand, count them yourself,
yielding result (somewhere very loosely
approximating 7.5 x 1018, or seven quintillion,
five hundred quadrillion grains.


Such minutiae less significant within the realm
of present day Homo sapiens, whose lives less
linkedin with phenomena affecting life on this
oblate spheroid, (which could come to a crashing
halt predicated on burgeoning human population

jeopardizing sustainable planet presuming
industrial paradigm prevails, thence man/
woman kind will unwittingly trumpet, and

or sound claxon (ex post facto), while
warming temperatures melt glaciers,

asper huge popsicles drowning
multitudinous habitats courtesy of

violent meteorologic cataclysms, where
Noah ark will be big enough to save majority

of creatures, and (wherein no art of the deal)
savvy enough to wall off sky high tidal
Katrina and the waves, then nature will (make
a killing) relishing tidying Atlas sized tureen

if necessary applying pledged finishing touches
repurposing third rock for another species slated
to inherit pseudo tabula rasa after Campbells,
and broth hers detox polluted primordial soup
i.e. once cleansed of poisons, thus...I condense
my Green New Deal spiel!


Midwinter night dream filled

with balm of June solstice rays

lackadaisical and carefree months ideal time

to while away pronounced illuminated days

outdoor sports a favorite choice

occupies athletic population

which venues witness frequent surge

and spill of overtime plays

another popular milieu

favorable climate awakens

constitutes habitués vacationers visit

ashore popular waterways

beachfront shoreline inundated

by mass exodus of sun worshippers

tidal seaboard awash

along every square inch

human species splashes to keep cool

within ocean and bays.


Six months ago bitter cold

and dark snow filled skies

wrought undeserved vengeance

viewed from these eyes

who after each and

every major winter storm

donned proper attire

to stay warm outside

while clearing walkway

with shovel in hand

executed repetitive motion

akin to how boater plies

similar (yet reversed)

bodily swing of arms

now readily prepares for execution

of most difficult seasonal task

requires usage of most complex muscle

the source of poetry witty and wise.


Awake to the solar celestial sea chant

mourning regarding species no longer extant
thus upon figurative shoulders of youth

tasked with survival of humanity

a behemoth nearly impossible mission

younger generations unfairly saddled

with obligatory filched grant
courtesy when fossil fuels

broadcast onset of four Industrial Revolutions

spewing paradigm viz free market capitalist kant
now quashing, thrashing, wrestling against rant

long fostering Homo sapiens dominance.


Starry-eyed dark matter

of infinite space

espied by countless eons

since original human race

became cognizant of her/

his terrestrial place

gilding the heavens with strings

of pearly hued lace

closer to earth charting

early skywatchers to notice moon face

held captive via gravitational brace

while zodiac archer aims

cocked bow, where knocked feathers
sans arrow complete an awesome

fantastic bullseye ace.


Mother nature’s ornery primates supreme display
said massive breastworks broadcast inlay
feat of awesome accomplishment

finds yours truly humbled okay

with his feeble limitations

engendering ample rocky tsuris oy vey.