

I remember the days when you were there with me. Window shopping food but too lazy to cook. I could see in those eyes; deep and dark, nearly black, yet brown. They are trying to say something. Like something is troubling you. I can feel it. And it is heavy and excruciatingly painful for you. It\'s clear because your eyes ache so much... yet you still try to look so vibrant. It\'s obvious that you\'re trying to strike up a conversation, fake laugh, and what-not. But you, on the other hand, are not in good shape.

It\'s okay to take a break.
Everybody does.
I understand that you\'re in so much pain.
But I want you to be with me. With us...
Talk to me!!!
I know you want this too.
I cannot imagine how difficult it is for you.
Just keep in mind that I\'m right here with you.
Don\'t abandon me. No, Not you too!

It\'s not that I want to leave you. It\'s more like I\'m at a loss for what to do. I\'ve been getting these dreams that are taking over my real life. My true exact reality is crumbling to bits. They\'re so heavy – the burden – that I cannot do anything all alone. I need you. I need you. I need someone... anyone, who can tell me what I should do, or else I\'ll break my life too. (Thinking)

I don\'t need any help.
Thank you.
I\'d like to be alone.
That\'s the only thing you can do.
I understand how depressing it is for you to see me,
all day, every day... with the same ugly ass face.
I don\'t know how to let anyone in...
It\'s terrifying. Difficult. And petrifying.
I cannot afford any more betrayal or deception.
Please don\'t be mad at me.
I know you\'re helping me.
Just remember, I\'m not gonna be around for long.
So, take care and farewell from me.