Kevin Michael Bloor

under the lash

Under the lash of their resentment
I sit serene in quiet contentment.
Spurred on by sacred symmetry
my pen pours out pure poetry.

My so-called sin and conscience cruel
condemn me, but I’m no one’s fool.
These monsters, Christ did deem as dross,
and crucified them on His cross!

My path, therefore, is paved with peace.
The Lord has caused the storms to cease.
To hell with feckless accusations
from friends and foes and rude relations!

My pen tells truth, come Hell\'s high-water.
The sword of God’s good word will slaughter
the slander on those toadies’ tongues,
and stop their sycophantic songs.

Under the lash of their resentment
I sit serene in quiet contentment.
With faith, I fight my foolish fears,
and soldier on, but shed no tears.