The One Who Sees

Without Me

Without me, a flower would die and so would a tree;

Because the air they breathe no longer resides within me;

Two Cats will become lonely;

And a meal will grow cold;

A book will remain unread while its pages grow old;

A friend will fall in despair;

Thinking of things they can’t repair;

While I remain blissfully unaware;

And a teacher will stare at an unoccupied desk;

While bystanders regret and start trying their best;

A piano will grow mute;

And a room unused;

And an application incomplete;

Stopping at the phrase, “I want to be…”;

And the future knows I would’ve saved a girl;

Discovered a planet and revolutionized the world;

And who knows;

I would’ve become a star;

Or a champion water polo player wide and far;

Or a teacher who teaches on beaches and sand;

Or a botanist who rehabilitated a land;

Or the first astronaut to land on mars;

Or an artist whose brushes heal scars;

Without me, the future could be missing out on a cranky old cat lady;

Or a small-time writer;

I could’ve become anything I truly desire;

Each step I would’ve been taking;

Would have mattered to the world’s making;

Because like a bridge connected with people\'s hands;

One mishap and the bridge disbands;

The bridge will fall with no mercy at all;

And all that’ll be left will be a heap of a mess;

Without me, the world will fall behind;

Missing on talents it lost, and the virtues of the mind.