
Are we seeing




….Are we seeing what’s in front of us, or are we seeing what’s been told to us.

Can it be we have been made blind by the blindness of others.


…..Are we black, white, brown, red or yellow; or are we African, European or Chinese. Who told us we were these, please free us, these false images have brought us to our knees.


….I strike out into darkness, because what was told to me, has blinded me; I can’t see you, or me.


…my blindness is like a dream state I can’t break, can’t fake enlightenment with no light, even if I had more height I still can’t see pass my own fright…


Are we seeing; or are we stuck in the dead of night, brothers and sisters please step out into the light, trying to see with all my damn might, it still feels like I’m high as a kite with no light.



This isn’t mere cataract, someone else’s monkey has gotten loose and is riding my back; whispering in my ear but distorting my vision. Trying to keep from listening, but it’s become my only means of sight.


…Are we seeing.


Merely disbelieving ain’t good enough, because knowing is seeing, so we can move right and cut on some darn lights, in the dead of night.