
The Bridge of Aphrodite


It’s the edge of the cliff, 

The railing of a bridge, 

The rocks below the dock at low tide.

Unsure if you leaned too far, 

Or slipped, or jumped, 

But knowing you didn’t care. 

It was dumb luck, 

Catching your foot in the railing. 

Random chance that gave you

The extra second to catch yourself. 

Keeping you from the rocks, 

From the tide you’re too weak to fight. 

But there’s other things you aren’t strong enough for. 

Random chance saved your life; 

Why did you run that risk again?
Why did you go back, why did you fall? 

There was no dumb luck, and you fell, 

And you fell far. 

Maybe you wanted to be reborn,

To dissolve in the blue abyss, 

To rise again in seafoam 

To bathe in your beauty. 

If only you could see 

That it’s always been there.

If only you learned your lesson the first time. 

But you went back, 

And you fell, 

And you fell hard.