Vincent Forberger

The play of simple rains and the roar of the heavens


I hear the rumble in the distance you can feel the percussion\'s dancing on the floor. The clouds and the wind scantly moving through the trees hedge rows and bushes. Thunder reverberating through the heavens all about my perception. Captivating and capturing my attention and pause to recon its amazement. I hear the clanging of the chimes and then I smell the air filled with a scent of rain and the clatter and pattering drops about the plateaus of grass parsing the back drops of bushes, stones and benches. The chimes dance with the pitch of glee and the roar of the clouds of lions growling from the sky\'s it is so special hearing all of these scores play out as the beauty of a natural band is a accompanied by quiet symphony leads silent and reserved. I feel the light haze of cool rain carried aloft by the winds arise. All in time to echo life\'s mystery of a curiosity of birds, bugs and bees with the beauty of life\'s symphony.