Kurt Philip Behm

Romancing The Serpent (+1)

Poetic depiction

prosaic description

Vowels come in colors

the rest black and white


They call to us orphaned

they call to us nameless

Our pens but a lifeline

that save with each write


To romance the serpent

to anger the saint

Each word symptomatic

our feelings acquaint


A bard or a preacher

their weapons the same

Whose caliber loaded

—to praise or defame


(Radnor Pennsylvania: June, 2022)



Beyond The Grave ?


Is anyone who\'s dead as great

as anyone still living

Is legacy stronger than force of will

within those still alive


Can what’s been done command the state

of promise still forthcoming

Is speaking loud beyond the grave

an edict best unheard


(The New Room: June, 2022)