Pearcemelville ε…Žζ•



πŸ†ƒοΈŽπŸ†οΈŽπŸ…ΈοΈŽπŸ…°οΈŽπŸ…»οΈŽ 𝕿𝕽𝕴𝕬𝕷 Tα–‡Iα—©α’ͺ

【These charges brought by
A Silencing of Poets
You must answer in rhyme
Coherent thought is
Paramount each time


Severe Indeed 

How do you Plead


I feel a pooh is most in need


Such Insolence! Manners where are your manners Recalcitrant behaviour
Not tolerated Here!
Now tell us  we JUDGES 3
You in the dock
How do you plea


It seems I was mistaken  Pooh
my learned judges three 
was not the nugget nudging me 
The sense I now feel springing
forth is a marked call to PEeee

Two strikes for You incorrigible Oaf!

How Dare You
dare to brazenly display
Contempt toward OUR COURT
Two strikes strike Two

How do you defend this case
Remembering the count of strikes is 1 away from
Forfeit that
you write your Defence


Poetry Pearcemelville Defence
Choose not to fray against
a collective calf    remove
new downy growths of thought and rhyme
These are to be cherished  cultivated  allowed to flourish
   to permeate all thinking planning   compilation  To generate nourishment
for the soul
For the Soul
It needs nutrition 
I don\'t know. when next
I will step upon  
.    your matte
enter your
Parlour of Parlance
for me it has become
Boudour of Boredom
I came seeking Shelter
From a stormy night I
try to locate such a comfortable location in
a natural state
should I seek shelter in a conflagration one day
But have I stepped Upto and On
a tender spot too close to general accessibility
Offending both your conscience your distinctive
Sensibilities that choke at you
You not in a listening
MOOD these cry for liberation
Cries which fall but do not land   Fly yet not able to reach
a perch on which to stand and Brood
In failure to provide you judging 3  should this be the case resultant from your deliberation
An adjuducation on your behalf be this known   is inflated and dysfunct
I came to assist in your
Continuing Medication
Numbing your brain but at the same tine altering your Behaviour
I do not sit up on a STOOl
I offer you concealed advise
I bid yourselves
Farewell Safe Journey
in Poetic empathy】