
Spiders on a Shoestring

It started with a strand

This world that we’ve made

Over so much time

It’s come a long way


Spiders we were

Spinning our web

So many working together

It would never meet an end


It spiraled up and 

It spiraled outwards 

Gaining and growing

We were constantly working


But our web was weak

And the spiders grew old

Generations passed on

Becoming more bold


A single gust of wind

Could have blown us away

But we all had faith

After all, it had lasted till today


But a gust of wind came

And the web fell apart

And there was the end

Of our beloved work of art


Some stared in awe

Some wept rivers

As we witnessed the destruction

Of the work of our ancestors


We had come so far

They had worked so hard

For so many years

Just to have it all torn apart


So we face this destruction

This tattered and torn tapestry

And many felt trapped

Controlled by the hierarchy 


But in the end

One thing will hold true

People come together

To protect and one day hope to rebuild 

This remaining string of a shoe