Vincent Forberger

A Dream and a Moment


It seems as thou it was a million years ago life stood still -

Only a temporal reflection of a nervous impulse. It trickled down thru my mind. From a past so long ago. Numb my heart pumps as though a giant bubble popped forth from a seething lava flow. I feel my throat clench as though being suffocated and my mouth watered as though my palate was abounded by a sense of succulent plate. Images Eco forth as though to envelop my thoughts and abound my consciousness. I feel myself over taken to a world unknown, only to my brief time in space, I am there-

Abound only by some unbelievable transformation of awareness. Feeling, sight, sounds pleasure pain a void of unknowing. I have been here before I have known this place, this person, these things-

Echo\'s haunting, Echo\'s loving, Echo\'s fleeting and time passed so obscurely by-

Moments pass as thou I had awaken from a long and deep sleep, floating by like a ghost in some spiritual movie. Could I have really been me-

I am feeling attachment on some long string, I feel as though I am on my first EVA, space walk attached in the dark with a long life line floating outside the ship of my life. With only a single lifeline attached. The Cord of my mind-

Floating in the space looking at a ship of long ago-

Here I am a void in space a void in time but I feel so planted-

I feel so weighted knowing that I am really here staring into oblivion hoping to find my way back to the planet which has and is my home-

A home to which the future can compel the wonders inside us all-

So I continue on my journey forward to find my home my place my destiny with only dreams and nightmares to guide this vessel of my life-
