
Coming to an end 06/13/22 at 4:01 pm

Today I was painfully well aware of my emotions and what I had sought out had came to an end, as the tears dripped down to my cheekbones onto my neck, it became crucial, and like I said I became well aware of what has now finally come to an end, I couldn’t help but think about everything else that has happened to lead up to this moment, and also I had deep regret within myself. I was mad at myself and mad at what had happened, my heart sobs and my eyes are blinded with the tear ducts that happen to continuously pour as I write this down, my heart sinks and as I kept taking death breathes, I realized that now is the time to self reflect upon myself and picture a future that will no longer form part of him as he, well… became a part of me. My eyes grew heavy and I became more tired as I wrote this down, I don’t know what to do or what to say I’m speechless. This is the last time we’ll talk and I know it’s coming to an end.