Doggerel Dave

Another Life Lesson (though I’m not quite sure…….)

It’s the eighties and a psych hospital;

Nursing Assistant – I made many beds.

Induction included restraint training -

Safety first – ignore delusional heads.


A position from behind the patient

And with arms held tightly against his chest:

Certainly easy in demonstration;

Now next time reality gets the test.


So an unavoidable incident -

The patient, a slight lad of teenage years,

Restrainable when snooker table balls

Became missiles, source of disruption and fears.


Instructions adhered to – arms pinned to chest;

Instantly followed by a somersault…..

Lucky landing on my back without pain,

While staff appeared and covered this default...


I slipped, I thought as I sat out of sight

And slowly restored shattered dignity.

However the patient found me next day;

He, to make amends with some charity


confided his brown belt in Aikido;

(And about which I subsequently read).

Vigorous handshake with apology

While he patted me consolingly on the head.