Shalyn Roby

Good Old Days

At times I close my eyes, 
all I see are young naive faces,
familiar places,
fellows aware of the joys, 
deprived of sorrows. 
Those were the ‘good old days.’


Lots of promises, 
lack of sacrifices,
some cash in the pocket, 
enough to make our day.
Those were the ‘good old days.’


In front was the ground, 
with people around, 
cheers were heard from the crowd, 
as the team made them proud. 
Those were the ‘good old days.’


Having worries of their own,
carried burdens even of the unknown. 
Tangled were feelings still anew,
overcame those quite a few. 
Those were the ‘good old days.’


I open my eyes, 
feeling like I, 
traveled to the most unforgettable of times, 
glad to have stored it in mind,
it’s like I can always rewind. 
To have my ways with my \'good old days.\'