

  So lonely, that is how I feel, nobody would ever know.

I cover it well I guess but the pain still grows.

  My arms are always open for anyone in need,

It still amazes me today how nobody could see,

The pain deep within me planted like a seed.

  Just because I am smiling, you just do not hear the heavy sighs.

All alone as nobody is there to hold me,

All I can do is bow my head and cry.

No longer knowing the truth, all I have heard up to now has been lies.

  I know that I complain but I truly love what I do,

To lend a hand to others, to stand tall and always be you.

So many times people have broken me,

A few there is an internal ever lasting pain.

  Damage to my spirit.. Damage to my heart,

I knew to listen to my head

They have always told me I was never that smart.

  Pity Party I call it, yet never feel sorry for me,

All the tears that have fallen, it is a never ending tree.

Everyone has hurt and tasted those familiar salty tears.

  Sadly for me life has taught me,

Many people are easily seen through and are greatly fake,

Love I looked forward to.. That is the thing I wanted the most.

I never got to touch it,

It always remained... A ghost.