
wonders of the universe

The sunshine fell partly on the green leaves

And sped quickly downwards - as grain through the sieves

The impact it made, cannot be here, expressed

And the feeling of joy it evoked, could not be suppressed


O, the mighty, mighty sun has numerous tasks at hand

In the cold as well as intolerably hot lands

The smooth and soft ray gently caresses the flowers

That it finds in the wilds, as wells as in the bowers


To the bud, swaying delicately in the breeze

Or hanging precariously, on huge big trees

It gives fresh vigor and unfolds its numerous petals

Whose touch is soft, unlike that of the metals


For the flower is the perpetual symbol of love and joy

To each and every maturing girl and boy

As it blooms over the mountain and vale

It smiles, and relates a lovely little tale


The wonders of the Universe are clearly displayed

By each and every thing, be it a simple little blade

For the source behind every single thing is our Lord, God

To whom we are bound, with an invisible cord.