
The Morning Sunrise

Father sun looks down from above
”Hello there” I say, “I’ve missed you!
I gaze to the heavens and allow the golden rays to gently caress my face
The promise of the new day dawns
So much potential 
So much promise
I bathe in the stillness of the morning sunrise
Peacefully allowing the serenity of the moment to touch my very being
My heart is bursting with joy
Every part of me tingling with expectation 
What new adventure awaits?
What new experience will be had?
It\'s time!
The day awaits 
I leave the peaceful solitude of my morning practice and step back into the world
Forever grateful for this moment
Forever grateful for the bliss it gives me
The beauty of the light appearing out of the darkness stays with me
The magic of the sunrise never dims
My heart is now full
I\'m ready to face the day
Today I choose joy
Today anything is possible!