
A Moment of Stillness

A storm rages ahead
The wind tears through the trees
The rain batters down
The lightening illuminates the horizon
I take refuge inside, safe and warm
Then suddenly it happens
The moment I\'ve been waiting for
As if from nowhere the clouds part to reveal a molten disc of pure magic
It lights up the sky, turning the horizon a glorious shade of red through orange
It dominates the skyline, demanding my attention
I\'m entranced
I can\'t draw myself away
The setting is perfect
The end of the day is nigh
Time to take stock
Reflect, give thanks
Not least for this moment of pure perfection
Mother Nature in all her simple blissful glory
The world rages on
Fights are won and lost
But amidst the chaos there are always simple pleasures to be had
Moments to stand still and take stock
To soak in the unadulterated beauty
Capturing them in the heart forever
As the sun slips from the sky
The crisp golden disc gracefully slides into the clear waters of the Atlantic
And another day draws to a close