
Stow High In Transit

Sail away, Sailor, if you can catch the wind. 

Sail away, Sailor, if you have the stores. 

Navigate by the stary night, be guided by the glowing light. 

Sail away, Sailor, but leave your heart ashore. 


Venture far, Captain, and find adventures abroad. 

Venture wide, Captain, and know the world is yours. 

Gaze into the inky depths and see the glimmering hope. 

Venture deep, Captain, and taste the world\'s best fare, 

Venture high, Captain, and see what awaits you there. 


Taste the pleasures of this life, and learn the great delights, hide them safely in your hold and share them when you make it home.

Stow them high in transit, Love, and when you get to shore, make sure you build the highest walls, and keep the draw bridge drawn.