Chris Duffy

False Prophets.


False Prophets.


Self appointed numen of all races, when will we stop looking to the stars?

Those who dwell within you, those whom you condemn, shed their blood in war and wear the scars. 

Theology promotes your paranoia,designed to make you question your beliefs.

Why does peace depend on being warriors? You cannot live your life avoiding grief.

You’re looking to the sky for your atonement, searching for protection from your fate.

Your preaching love and peace to those around you, all outsiders subject to your hate.

Tribalism is our chosen doctrine, It seems the only righteous thing to do.

We never stop to ask ourselves the question. Do our enemies love their children too?


In your mind you build yourself an order, one that puts you firmly in command.

If there is a God somewhere for us to worship, why are you the one who guides his hand?

Surely divine teachings can absolve us, exorcise the ghosts we hold within.

You cannot hold the answers to our questions, cannot  judge the nature of our sin.


Viceroy, governor, you give yourself a name. 

Ruler, executioner, grand master of the game.

Why do you seek order and control? 

If seeing is believing and anarchy not freedom, then who made you the guardian of my soul?


The opiate of the masses as Karl Marx  once declared

Whilst wading through our poverty and smoke

Designed to keep you stifled, subservient and  scared.

Life is now and death’s the cruelest joke.


Theocratic orders ruling by decree,dictators of the souls who follow you

Open up your mind and surely you will see that Darwin would propose a different view.

Seeking your forgiveness, reflecting on our sin, believing you will lead to heaven’s door.

We never stop to question throughout our wretched lives, that perhaps our only sin is being poor?