Vincent Forberger

People with Nerve


I didn\'t know or understand how someone can be mean as a snake. No matter how hard you try some people will never be happy. They have to always be right, always the winner, always a façade of excellence and faultlessness and flawlessness. That saying is to true that you can\'t put lipstick on a pig...but it\'s still a pig. I have always tried to be caring, helpful, loving and unselfish, but others in your life will try to crush you like a bug. Making you out to always be wrong and worthless. Cheating and lying are the tip of the iceberg. How can another make all of their problems yours doing their best to make you feel worse than they feel. Putting all of there problems as your fault. There are many types of torture and abuse...twisted people who go to church and ask for forgiveness and go back out and do the same shit. My life is getting better as this dissolution continues. This horror show for me is almost over and I will soon be without the torture, abuse and demise. Its no longer all my fault. The dark sky\'s of feeling hopelessness will clear and become happiness and joy. Time has already shown me that I can be happy being out of range of others destructive attitudes...