
Maybe its just me

Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m stuck in the past

Maybe it’s just me, cuz I just can’t seem to get rid of the scars

You say to take the step forward

Cuz maybe the road ahead is happier

But why does it feel so far, almost distant like the stars

A world i see, it’s in my vision

But beyond my eyes, maybe just an illusion


Maybe it’s just me, I’m so used to the darkness

Maybe that’s why I won’t let the light in

And all around me, I hear the music playing

Still I stand here, wondering what’s happening

And maybe the road ahead is full of happiness

But the path I stand on now, they whisper those unforgotten memories

Broken pieces, untold stories, I feel them

Piercing through the music

And all through this mess I still hope and pray

- maybe it’s not just me that feels this way


Time I’ve heard is the best healer

But you know too, pain doesn’t just wash away

And maybe all that’s left behind is for the good

Maybe it’s just me who always misunderstood

I’ve seen the past, seen all the pain

Still, why do I stay locked up here

The walls I feel are caving in, silently and once again

I know this feeling, still it feels so new

And all through this mess, I’m still holding on

Hoping - maybe it’s not just me who feels this way