


Lord you know me; I’m the cat. I am one of your creatures
Oh yes Lord, you made me swift, and so cunning. Lord I have the ability to live on me own.
Lord, you have given me hearing so acute; I can hear the slightest rustle of a cricket in the tall grass.
My eyes so bright and alert to any small movement, My eyes so keen, that as I move in the shadows of the night I see what to others might go unnoticed.
My form Lord so sleek, and agile, so graceful so light-footed. I can leap atop a garden gate with no thought to it. Climb a tree with little effort. 
Lord, No other creature on earth can move any more silently then I Lord.
Yes Lord I do like me leisure times. I do enjoy a long nap in the warmth of your sunshine. 
Or curled up in a soft armchair. I sleep in the comfort knowing all is right in me world.
I spend a great time of me days grooming myself. If cleanliness is close to Godliness, then Lord surly we must be very close.
Lord I know I have been called arrogant, and full of myself. That I walk with me tail held high.
Lord if I appear vain and uppish marked by imprudence, it is only because Lord I know you made me in your perfection
For I am the cat.
Lord please protects me from harm. And great hunter that I am, You could perhaps send a mouse my way ever so often.                     Amen !

This was written some years ago by a very good friend of mine who sadly passed away last September. This is the only poem that she ever wrote, and it is as she wrote it, and in her Canadian vernacular ! So please credit to a missing spirit, Mrs. Sandra (Saunda) Helen Hall. R.I.P.